A new ASL camp for Deaf/Hard-of-Hearing children/youth, their siblings, & CODAs in KY!

Welcome to the website for the
Kentucky Signing Summer Program!

A summer program uniquely for Deaf/Hard-of-Hearing children and youth, their siblings, and CODAs, ages 5 to 17, in the Bowling Green, KY and surrounding areas

This summer of 2009 was our inaugural year and we made some WONDERFUL memories!
Scroll down to see pictures from each of our 7 weeks - June 17 - July 29, 2009!

We look forward to working towards raising money and having KSSP 2010!

If you have a Deaf or Hard-of-Hearing child or are Deaf and have hearing children, please email us at kysigningsummer@gmail.com!

~ Elizabeth (hearing) and Josh Bruffey (CODA), founders and camp directors

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Week 4: Water Fun and Safety!

Week 4 was a SPLASHIN' good time! We had a great performance by Kids on the Block teaching us about water safety. Then, we headed off to the Russell Sims Acquatic Center for a day of fun in the sun (and water!)

Nycheala enjoying the water

Aaron having fun!

Sarah beautiful in blue!

Tristin hangin' in the water!

Matthew swimming!

BFF (Sarah and Abriana)!

What is it Lenny? A bird? A plane?....??

Elizabeth lovin' her time with KSSP kids!
(Tristin and Cylee)

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