A new ASL camp for Deaf/Hard-of-Hearing children/youth, their siblings, & CODAs in KY!

Welcome to the website for the
Kentucky Signing Summer Program!

A summer program uniquely for Deaf/Hard-of-Hearing children and youth, their siblings, and CODAs, ages 5 to 17, in the Bowling Green, KY and surrounding areas

This summer of 2009 was our inaugural year and we made some WONDERFUL memories!
Scroll down to see pictures from each of our 7 weeks - June 17 - July 29, 2009!

We look forward to working towards raising money and having KSSP 2010!

If you have a Deaf or Hard-of-Hearing child or are Deaf and have hearing children, please email us at kysigningsummer@gmail.com!

~ Elizabeth (hearing) and Josh Bruffey (CODA), founders and camp directors

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Week 1: Fun with Friends!

On the first day of KSSP was a great start! We spent the morning playing games and getting to know each other. We had corn hole, bottle bowling, a jump house, a gesture game, a hand game, and hot potato. We ended our day with a great lesson by Hope Harbor about emotions and how to handle them. Here's some pictures of our first day of KSSP 2009!

The Jump House at the R.O.C.

KSSP Kids enjoying the Jump House!

Blue group (oldest) playing the Hand Game
(lead by Heidi Givens)

Bottle Bowling
(lead by Josh Bruffey)

Hope Harbor presenting to KSSP!

Week 1: Introductions

Week 1 was a great kick-off for KSSP staff and the kids participating this summer. Here is a video of the introductions by the co-directors and lead staff. Below are some pictures from our first week.